We all deserve to feel powerful, resilient, and connected in our bodies.
Inhabit your Body with Joy.
All Our Bodies is a functional fitness project committed to training humans. Whether you’re just coming to embodied practice for the first time, whether you’re a professional mover looking to refine your movement capacity, whether you’re here to gain strength, get that performance goal, or find mobility and ease in your joints - I am committed to working with you, the human- with all your capacities and stories. You don’t need to leave yourself at the door. Your story is your strength.
Work Smart, Work Connected, Embrace Growth
I am a real body nerd- I love knowing HOW and WHY the body works - but I strive to make space for your own body’s innate intelligence and sovereignty.
I believe working WITH your body’s functionality rather than AT your body is the best path to progress.
Does that mean it’s all fluff and rainbows around here? Oh, no. We get down to business.
Discomfort is the edge of all growth, and you will find opportunities to prove to yourself that you can, in fact, do hard things. That’s part of the beauty of embodiment!
However, there is a big difference between ignoring your body’s signals, and working toward resilience.
I have no space for drill-sargeant style toxic fitness culture. If you work best being yelled at, I am not your coach.
I strive to uphold a body-inclusive approach, and will never shame you for your size or other marginalized identities.
But if you want someone on your team to investigate your body’s capacity and potential to grow, integrate, and surprise you with your own strength? Let’s go.
“I have, through regular sessions with Mandy, made great progress on areas that have eluded me for years!”
—Josh, flex and mobility client.